***RaceWalk Coach ~Personal Fitness Trainer~Costume Character***

Personal Fitness Training

***~I’m a Trifecta Surprise!!…Make Your Next Rock’n”Goal EventFull!!~

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Rainbow ***Like Minded Creatures or WannaBees!!…Inquire Within!!!…Weather for Services Rain~ging from **Musical Characters Coming to Your Next Party or Experiencing Fran’s ~NEW YOU~ introducing my latest discovery!!…**~WHOLISTIC~APPROACH~LIFESTYLE~KOACH**…A.K.A…*~W~A~L~K~*!! *~LIKE~FRAN~*~KUDOS~KOACH~FRAN~!!! ***…Fran’s BrilliAnt Idea Oh So Long Ago!!…

…Fran It’s About Time!!!

***Kudos to those Precious Gems who Leaf WonderFull Testimonies of my Endless Years of Devotion!!…Your Time is Valuable~and So is Mine!!…”~Anonymous~~Giving~Tree~” Follower…***
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*Specialized*Premium*Fitness* Training with Coach Fran~~~

**Coming Soon!!…Sign Up Now!!!….Space is Limited!!!
Hello EveryBody,

**Coach FRAN here!…Ready to Get F.I.T. and Famous!!..Aren’t we all Super Stars!!…Let’s get your Body Rock’n’Rolling!!**

I look forward to Teaching you Specific Techniques that You Can use A.S.A.P. for Improved Health ‘n’ Fitness for 5k’s, 10k’s, Half Marathon’s, Marathons,Ultra~~~ Marathons, Triathlons, Ironmans, Relay Races and All those Unique Events!!!…**

**Getting Fit, and Faster are just a few of the BENEFITS!!!….Mostly how you will Benefit for the Rest of Your Life is by Learning the Basics of my “*Preventative Injury Exercises*”…Staying Stronger for Longer in Your Sport is Rewarding!!!…***
***Get State of the Art Technique Training***
***Coach Fran’s Ultimate Training Tool***
*****Instant Gratification*****
***Video Coaching***By Appointment Only!!***
***For All Levels***
*The Cost of **Video Coaching**…$100 for a 1 hour session…*Then

, Your’s Truly, Coach FRAN goes home and Reviews, Critiques, and makes a Videotaped Copy for You Oldies but Goodies…or from my Digital Video Camera, and make you a DVD Copy for Your Practice and Future Improvements!!!*
**Participants who Learn Best Visually, then **Video Coaching** shows You the Fastest Results!!… Instant Feedback with Coach Fran!!

**This is a 1 hour **Mini Personal Training Session**…
*First Coach Fran Videotapes your Current Technique for just 5 minutes…
*Next You get a 50 minute Personal Training Session…
*Then the Last 5 minutes You get to Witness Instant Improvements!!…
*It’s a Before and After Videotape Analysis that You get to See for Yourself!!…This is Coach Fran’s Ultimate **Technique Training Tool***…
**But wait


, there’s More!!…
*The Final Process… Coach Fran Reviews and Critiques your Before and After Technique…
*Emailed Review and Critique and by Mail…
*Plus Your Very Own Copy sent by Mail A.S.A.P!…for Your Viewing in the Privacy of your own Home.!!..
**Believe me

, …Seeing is Believing!!…Finally Figuring Out the Solution to Improving!!…It’s Really Oh So Therapeutic to Conquer Your Goals sooner than later… Just the few minutes of Videotaping viewed in Slow Motion and Real Time tells the Truth!…
**Recommended to Try Once…But I’m pretty sure You will Want to See More and More…Something about Before and After Results put a Smile on Our Faces!!!…say’s Coach FRAN~~~
*It’s also Fun to Fast-Forward and see Yourself at Turbo Top Speeds!!!…
**Now You have a Keepsake to Help You Improve!!…Think of the Learning Possibilities!!…
*Once you put Your Technique into Practice…You can Keep coming back for More!!..This is How Winners Excell!!!
*It’s so Rewarding to See Improvements from your First Videotaping to the Next!!…Elite Athletes get this Luxury!!…So Why Not You!!! **
***** Ongoing Opportunties to Conquer Your Goals***
~~ Sign Up for Fran’s ***S.P.F*** Training~~It’s what Your Body has been waiting for!!!
***Personal Fitness Training is the Fastest and Best Way to Absorb All that You Learn with Your’s Truly!!!…Imagine just You and Your Personal Fitness Trainer and the “* Wealth of Knowledge *’ you will Master Sooner because Your First Training Session is Tailored to Your Specific Needs!!…Let’s just say Our Bodies Are Worth It!!..***

*(My Specific Training Techniques surpasses typical training)*

*** Just Ask Carmelita my #1 Super Star Client…Whether We are On Location…She is a Bionic Great Grandmother Track Star!!…She is ageless going on age 16!!…*My Diva Racing Medal Winner* All the Time!!…

**Stay Tuned for “Travel’s with Carmelita” on Flicker…***

***Living Life to the Fullest!!!*~~ YouthFully Your’s~~Carmelita~n~Coach FRAN~~~

*******Amazing Awaits You!!!*******
** Details Coming Soon **
Contact Me at the email below…
*** fran-at-franbustos.com ***

See you soon!!

Thank you


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(Read On…Curious about Fran’s Past Marathon with Marvelous Clients?!!!)
Coach FRAN~~~


***Share Your Success Story!!!***

*** “I’d love to hear from EveryBody I’ve trained in my 20 something years in the Aerobic Industry!!…As well as being your Personal Fitness Trainer for oh so many years!!!…Specifically Racewalking Clientelle!!…
From Celebrity’s to Extraordinary Human Beings!!…We all are Stars just wanting to Shine!!.. Hats off to EveryBody I’ve trained to use my Specific Techniques for your 5k’s

, 10k’s, Relay Races, Half Marathons

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, Marathons, Ultra Marathons, Triathlons and all those Unique Events!!!…Also more currently, I want to hear from you if you have taken Racewalking Clinics, Workshops and Track Club Workouts with me.!!!…By the way, a Fabulous Testimony from You would be Greatly Appreciated!!!” ***CONTACT:…fran-at-franbustos.com***

Coach FRAN~~~
( Wecome Back!!..Got Fran’s~~ S*P*F*~ Training~~ Troopers Show’n’Tell!! )

*~It’s Your’s Truly Fran the RACEWALK’N’ROCK’N’ROLLER…Just
Dancing’n’Clicking my Heels while capturing Rock Star Carmelita DeHaven on her Bravo Finish!!!***

~***Yes You Too Can Be a part of Coach FRAN’s~~~ exclusive Travel’n’Training Team!!…*Contact…fran-at-franbustos.com*
As you can see I’m surrounded by WINNERS!!!..Many Stories to Tell of All My Wonderful Racewalking Clients and More!!…Details of Upcoming Events soon to be announced!!!***

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**Posting Comments to Share Your Success Story!**


***Inquiring minds want to know if I know you?!…Might I have trained you before in my RaceWalking Clinics

,Workshops, Personal Fitness Training?!!…Or maybe in a race like the L.A. Marathon dressed as Coach Elvis for the L.A.Leggers?!!…Maybe doing Aerobic Warm-Up in Character as Funky Fran dancing like MichaelJackson?!!…Possibly at a Fiesta at Saint Augustine’s Catholic Church where I was in character as Charlie Chaplin?!!…Could you be someone from my past in the Aerobic Industry or the RaceWalking World?!!!…I’d love to hear from you either way!!!***Contact…fran-at-franbustos.com*

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, click the Link Button that says Login/Register…Then you will get a temporary password…You can now Login and Post Comments or shall I say Wonderful Testimonials!!…If you want to change your password, then you can do so the second time around…Registration is necessary to keep SPAMMER ROBOTS OUT OF MY SITE!!**

Thank you


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Coach FRAN~~~


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, I will always remember the inspiration you three gave to the world during your legacies~Charlie Chaplin~Elvis Presley~ Michael Jackson ~may your soul’s rest in peace~ ~~Amen~~

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This Just In … *Mini* Racewalk *Clinics* with Coach FRAN~~~

Coming Soon!!…**Make Your Party Reservations for Your Next Clinic**…Sign Up Now!!!***Experiencing My Clinics will be Seriously ENTERTAINING!!…As well as… Out of this World Unique Training!!!…Yes Years of Proven Methods to get my Clients to Learn and Remember!!…It’s EZ!!…FUN!!!…What more Can You Ask For!!!…

Hello Everybody


NEWS FLASH!!…Coach FRAN here…L.A. Leggers Official Racewalking Coach, will be offering my new *Mini* Racewalk *Clinics*…entitled *”Head to Toe Fitness”* …You know this is just My Specialty!!…I hope you’ve gotten the chance to hear me Guest Speak and to see my Racewalk Demo Up the Ramp

, because it will make You Want to Learn How to Go Up Hills Fast!!!~~~~~~*Contact…fran-at-franbustos.com*
***~~ Fran’s~~ Olympic Trials and World Cup Hey^Day!!…~~* My Solutions For Getting F.I.T…Going the Distance…Plus Staying Injury-Free!!!..*Ramp^Workouts*…*Soft~Sand~Training*…*Hill^Repeats^’Beyond!!!…
*Here’s the Secret…All Exercises Must Be Learned Properly to Excell to Your Next Level!…Yes pictures of FRAN “Striking a Pose” for the Camera!…But as You Can See…The End Results Got Me Elite Level Sports Status!!…Notice I’m also *Walking On Cloud NINE*…

I’ve got over 20 years of experience in the Aerobic Industry and as a Personal Fitness Trainer known for my Safe and Effective Techniques….I’ve also got Expertise as a Competitive Racewalker in the 1992 Olympic Trials and I made the 1993 Women’s World Cup Racewalking Team!!…I can get You Fit and Fast


, Plus Stronger for Longer Distances!!…Get Ready to Learn *26.2 Training Tips* to Launch You to the Next Level at each race you enter!!!
*Any interested Walking Enthusiasts or Curious Runners that Want Faster Times for 2014 L.A. Marathon and More…Then it’s Time to Fine Tune Your Technique for some P.R.’s!!!…My Training Techniques can be applied to Enhance your Current Training!!…

(*****Ask CARMELITA…As you can see she is my Endless Energizer Bunny and also Wins Every RACE she enters!!!…Talk about Results!…She is Living Proof!!!*****)

*Just to let you know that My Intention is not to convert everybody into a “racewalker”…It’s the Technique that’s so Valuable for Longevity in Your Sport!!… Since we all know throughout the day we do more walking than running…What better Gift to Give Your Body than an Important Tool…Trust me

, Racewalking will give Your Body Less Stress and Less Impact!!…Best Lifelong Cross Training Hands Down!* ( ~**Travel’s with Carmelita**~…Coming Soon!!)*CONTACT:…fran-at-franbustos.com*
~~**Carmelita is Going the Distance in Life and On the Trails**~~

*******In my *Mini* Racewalk *Clinics* You will Learn How to Use Your Muscles instead of your joints, ligaments and tendons….Making Every Step you take More Efficient for Your Mileage Training Journey!…and Most Important…Learning How To Stay Injury Free!!…The Benefits are Endless!!!*******Highly Recommended for EveryBody!!!***
Sincerely Coach FRAN~~~
*******************************************************************************  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*So gather your **”Party of Two,Three or Four”** for a more Effective *Semi-Private* or *Small Group Training* Session…The Sooner you Get Started, you will Reap all the Benefits of this Olympic Sport as a Wonderful Cross Training for your Walking, Running or to Get You Back On Track if you are currently injured…Yes, even if you’ve been rehabbing for a while, this is the Best Time and Solution!*
**Now Training Buddies…Like Minded Bodies…You know the people you can be comfortable around for 1 to 2 hours!!…It’s Best to Gather as a group of Walkers

, Runners, Injured, so my Demonstrations Apply to your Specific group…Your Pace Is Not important in My Clinics because You are all Learning New Information**
(**Don’t Worry Be Happy!…Because You will Get Faster!…Especially when You take the Next Step…*Workshop Workouts*…But remember that Clinics come before Workshops**
~~*”Mini* Racewalk *Clinics*~~
** Beginners*- participants who have never taken a Clinic with me or if you are Currently Injured or Still Rehabbing…

** Intermediates*- participants have taken my Clinic in the past, and you need to Polish Your Technique to Improve your race Times!!..

** Advanced*- participants have taken my Clinic before and trained with me

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, and now considering to Win Your Age category or Wanting to become a Competitive Racewalker in Judged Races!…Hat’s Off to You!!…

**Yes to Get To the Next Level…Learning my Technique Training Tips will Get You To the Finish Line Faster!!!…**
*** Party Reservations for…* Beginners * Intermediates * Advanced ***
* “Party of Two”- is for a 1 hour session*
* “Party of Three”- is for a 90 minute session*
* “Party of Four”- is for a 2 hour session*
** The cost for each participant is $50…
** Cash or Check payable to “Fran Bustos”…
** Payment Collected prior to Your Clinic…
* Please bring the correct amount* Thanks*
…Believe Me

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, You Will Enjoy every minute of Information and Training Techniques, unlike any other!!!..says Coach FRAN~~~

***This is like my *Specialized Premium Fitness Training*!!!… I charge regularly $75 for Individualized Training for a 1 hour session!…You will be getting all the Benefits of Personal Training in a *Semi-Private* or* Small Group Training* in just only 1 session…You will be Amazed that You Can Use these Tips right away!!
** I’m taking Reservations for whenever Your Party is Available…It can be during the week Monday thru Friday…AM…NOON…PM…Sundays…Saturdays on Low Mileage Weekends…It’s Up To You to Get Your Party Started!!!…So Book Your Party Today!!**
***Future Opportunities***Yes it’s Turbo Coach Fran!!…***

*** Once you’ve taken a Clinic or a Personal Training Session with me

, then You Can Further Your Training with Coach FRAN’s…….
***New’n’Improved**Exercise~ Track~ Club***!!…It’s the Deal of the Decade!!*** Don’t Miss Out on All of *FRANS* FUN *FiTNESS* Starting Soon!!!…Also Check out my new *Mini* Workshops*…Coming Soon!!***

Welcome back Leggers and Welcome Newbies!!…I look forward to seeing All of you soon!!!…*To Post Comments Scroll Down to Success Stories*

** For Details on Reservations and Location…you can Contact Me by my email address…


Thank You

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(Read On…*Further Details about *Mini* Racewalk *Workshops* and Exercise Track Club!!!)
Coach FRAN~~~


*Mini* Racewalk *Workshops* with Coach FRAN~~~

**ATTENTION**{ All Previous and Past Participants of Fran’s Clinics…Practicing Proper Techniques Regularly Will Enhance Your Chances of Winning Your Race!…*”Words of Wisdom”* from Yours Truly and Sincerely…Because Fran Cares About Your Progess!!…I’d love to hear of your past and current successes…So Let’s Keep that Momentum and Motivation Rolling!!!!! }

Hello L.A. Leggers



Yes, it’s that time of the year to Get Your Bodies Tuned Up for the long mileage ahead…Our L.A. Marathon Yearly Goal is to Celebrate Good Times!!!…For those of you who are Newbies to the L.A. Leggers,Coach Fran here, I’m the Official Racewalking Coach for the L.A. Leggers and I’ve been Coaching Leggers for over a Decade now!!!…
My Expertise is in Racewalking and Personal Fitness Training….As a Competitive Racewalker

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, I was honored to be a Competitior at the 1992 Olympic Trials in the first ever Women’s Olympic Racewalking Event in the 10k!…Then I made the last ever Women’s World Cup Racewalking Team in 1993!!…You see


, a year later…
Women’s World Cup Racewalking Event was now officially a 20k and currently the Olympic distance for Women Racewakers…It’s one of those Rare Opportunities to be a part of Making History!!!…
**Fran’s Memory Lane in the streets of Monterey Mexico cobblestone 1993 World Cup!!…and another memory of hot and humid New Orleans Olympic Trials as the Leader of the Pack!!…I’ve Got Stories to Tell…So I’ve decided to Start Writing Books About My Life Experiences and More!!…Well… I’ve stated Fran’s Plans!…So Fran is On A Mission!!..**…

With over 20 years of Experience in both the Aerobic Industry and as a Personal Fitness Trainer!!…I’ve got a Track Record of Keeping My Training and Clients Safe!… Currently I’m offering *Mini* Racewalk *Workshops*…Coach Fran’s Workshops are a continuation after My Clinics… entitled *”Head to Toe Fitness”*
*** Party Reservations for * Beginners * Intermeditates * Advanced ***
* “Party of Two”- is for 30 minutes *
* “Party of Three”- is for 1 hour *
* “Party of Four”-is for 90 minutes *
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, the Time will Fly because You’re going to be having So Much Fun practicing what you’ve learned!!!…My Workshops are Coach Fran’s Cardio Wokouts and Dynamic Drills that will Make You Sweat!!…Plus Make You Feel Youthful Again!!!…** Highly Recommended say’s Coach FRAN~~~
**The cost for each participant is $25 Cash/Check payable to “Fran Bustos”…
** Payment collected Prior to Your Workshop…
**Notice the price is” half off ” the price of the clinic!!…
*** Your Reward for Learning at my *”Mini*Racewalk*Clinics”*!!!…
**Why stop when You Have a Good Thing Going!…Your Body will Love You for it!!…
**I’m taking Reservations for whenever Your Party is Available…It can be during the week Monday thru Friday…AM…NOON…PM…Sundays…Saturdays on Low Mileage Weekends…It’s Up To You to Get Your Party Started!!!…So Book Your Party Today!!**

** Now my *Mini* Racewalk* Workshops* Benefit EveryBody…Remember

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, if you are a Newbie to my Workshops, then you are still a Beginner…So Gather Your Party Today!!…Just Learning a few Racewalking Tips to make Every Step of the way more Efficient is what will make your 2014 L.A. Marathon a breeze!!….from *Stadium to Sea*…I’ll Be There!!!**

*** Future Opportunities Awaits You!!*** {~**Come join Fran”n” Carmelita’s Fitness Challenge!!…Can You Do a 2 MINUTE PLANK just like CARMELITA!!!~**}…GOT CURIOSITY and or the GUTS to make the Cut?…STAY TUNED for the Upcoming Date…Details Soon!!!***

Here’s to Revving Up Your Engines!!!….Let’s Fine Tune Your Technique…So when You get to the Starting Line you’re Ready to Rock’n’Roll 26.2!!

Inquiring Minds that are Currently not a part of the L.A. Leggers Club

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, what are you waiting for?!!…Join the Club!!!…So Let’s Get These Parties Started!!…
*You can Contact Me by my email address…*fran-at-franbustos.com*

Take care,
( Read On…*Details on *Track Club* *Video Coaching* with Your’s Truly!!!* )
Coach FRAN~~~


***Track Club Training with Coach Fran***


~NEWS`FLASH`***Join Coach FRAN~~~ for some * Seriously*Sweating*Fun* Workouts!!!…Yes Fran’s New and Improved “***Exercise~Track~ Club***~!!..Sign Up Now***By Appointment Only***

** Presenting * “Head to Toe Fitness”**…**Exercise~Track~Club Workouts**
*Now’s your opportunity to learn the Olympic Sport of Racewalking and so much more!! *
** Intro to Racewalking and All the Benefits!!…
*Learn how to Use your Feet

, Legs, Hips, and Upper Body more Efficiently using the Racewalking Technique…You will be Amazed by what you Learn in just 1 session!!*
Coach FRAN~~~
**”My Expertise is Unique not only as an Athlete, Coach and Trainer!!!…*This will Be the Most Entertaining Clinic you will Ever Attend!!…*Plus Learning a “*Wealth of Knowledge*” with **FRAN’S WAY** of teaching!!….*You will See the Rewards!!**

**Fran’s finished Experimenting and Ready to Tell All..I’ve got Upcoming Projects in the Works!!…Yes Fran is also Finally Getting *” Back On Track “*
****888888888***Fran’s On a Mission to Get Fit Again!!…

Fitness Exercise Perks=Looking FABULOUS!!!…In my Twenties I was 7% BodyFat!……Now 40 something…Let’s just say Fran’s Back!!!!!

****The Benefits of Racewalking are Endless!!!****

***Racewalking will make Your Marathon Training every Step of the Way…More Efficient by Learning How to Specifically Use Your Muscles for Endurance Workouts…Improved Walk Break Times for Runners!…Overall Improved P.R.’s for Everybody!…Even Safe Enough for Rehabbers!…Also Great Cross-Training for All Sports!!***

(*Scroll to Success Story for Testimonials…Want to Get Inspired!!!*)
** Remember that Clinics are the Learning of New Skills…Workshops are Applying Your New Skills in a “Workout” setting…like *Exercise~Track~Club*

*******Join FRAN’S Exercise Track Club*******…etc…Call for Location/Directions/Details…

**Once You become an **Exercise Track Club** member…You get to be on Fran’s Email List…Plus You will receive Workout Schedules**

..Warm-Up/Cool-Down Stretches included***Plus an Energizing Exercise Track Workout!!!***Fran’s Cardio Workout/Dynamic Drills

***…It’s Fran’s Members Only Punch Card of Pre-Paid Series Package…*Best Offer for a **Limited Time Only**Deal of the Decade!!!**Don’t Miss This Opportunity!!…Contact Coach Fran A.S.A.P!!!

**FRAN’S WAY** to Jumpstart Your Fitness…Boost Your Race Times Now!!..

( No Drop-Ins…Reservations Only )…(Minimum of 7 Star Athletes to Maximum of 11 Star Athletes)…Contact Coach FRAN for Details…

**Sign-Ups Now Starting the New L.A. Leggers Official 2014 L.A. Marathon Training Season!!…How About Spicing Up Your Times This Year!!!…

***L.A.Leggers SweetHeart Carmelita DeHaven and Coach Fran’s Star Athlete did a Wonderful P.R.!!… for 2011 L.A. Swim~a~Marathon!!..Fran impersonating Elvis Gone Retro…Well


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, even though the Shuttle Bus dropped us off at the Bermuda Triangle!!…Remarkably taking off 2 hours from her previous 2010 L.A. Marathon!!…Well

, let’s just say some like it hot, but Carmelita enjoys the Breeze, Rain, Blizzard!!…Yes Carmelita is Fran’s Most Dedicated Athlete Ever!!!…When I get a Guest Speaking Gig…I’ll Be Sure to Introduce You to this *Seasoned*Power*House*!!


**Members Only…Coach FRAN requires participants to have taken a Clinic or a Personal Training Session with Fran prior to joining Exercise Track Club**
*Here’s how it works…Gather your Workout Buddies…Remember a minimum of 7 Star Athletes are needed for Fran’s Exercise Track Club…From Aspiring Athletes starting on Your Journey into Fitness…Even the Injured are welcomed!!…Coach FRAN will take up to 11 Athletes Striving for Great Times!!…*(A 3 month commitment Punch Card with a start and finish date… based on a 4 times a month attendance)*

88888888*Remember When You Show Up You Win!*8888888888

**The benefits of having me as your Coach is that I’m also your Personal Fitness Trainer…which means that even in a group workout Coach FRAN tailors Your workouts for your current level of fitness…**

*Just the right blend for Fran’s Exercise Track Club…while still getting Quality Coaching and Personal Fitness Training!!!…Now that’s what I call a …Win Win Situation!!!….So join in on this… *Deal of the Decade*…TODAY!!


***So What Are You Waiting For?…The Sooner You Get Back On Track…Your Body Will Thank You For The Gift of Health…Fitness!!!***
Sincerely Coach FRAN~~~

****More Opportunities****

** You and Your Party can R.S.V.P. for *Workshop * Reservations…The Time and Date is up to Your *Party of Two

,Three or Four*…Details are Listed under *Workshops*


***Stay posted for my *Video Coaching*…*”Instant Gratification Training Tool”*** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
**** R.S.V.P Reservations to confirm Availability of Specific Dates required by all Track Club Members*****
You can Contact Me at the email below…
*** fran-at-franbustos.com ***
Thank you,
(Read On…*Posting Positive Testimonies Inspires EveryBody!!*)
Coach FRAN~~~

***^TURBO^ MOMS^TECH’n’TIKES^TRAINIING***Get Ready For Your Best Workout with Your Stroller’n’ Kids!!…Have Fun While Working Out is FRAN’S MOTTO!…What can I say You’n’ Your Precious Gems are in the Best of Care…I’m not only a Costume Character, but learning the Racewalking Technique FRAN’S WAY Will Get You in Shape A.S.A.P!!!!….So Don’t Wait Any Longer!!….Call or Contact FRAN Today!!!….
**Since All Mommy’s do a Daily Marathon with Your Kids…Fran’s Stroller Fitness is the Ultimate Total Body Workout!!….Don’t Be Shocked When You Get Your Friends to Join that Also Learn My Techniques…You Just Might Have to Take Turns Pushing the Stroller!!!…So Sisters of the World

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, We’re Off to “*SEA RESULTS!*”…Let’s Get You Entered into Stroller Friendly Races!!…Watch Out World!…There’s Gonna Be a New Breed of Athletes!!!…We Are Getting Back in Shape!!!…”Let’s Get This Party Started!”… *Minimum Party of 5 Mom’s and More!! …Contact Fran at the email above!!…**But Wait!…Fran’s Got More Fun Programs on the Way!!…Stay Tuned!!!


Stadium to Sea…Predicting an Elvis Sighting on 3/21/2010!


**A BLAST FROM THE PAST**Coach Fran here!!!..Believe it or not

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, as a former Olympic Trials competitor, World Cup Racewalking Team Member, and currently the L.A. Leggers Official Racewalking Coach…I confess that I still have a continued passion for being outlandish Costume Characters!..Everybody should add a little character to spice up the boring hum drum stuff, like going to work!…Thank God I get to do what I do!!…I really do enjoy my life to the fullest!!….Also

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, as a Personal Fitness Trainer, I have had the Best Clientele to train and I get you to have Serious Fun through it all!!..You will never get bored with me!!!

Yes you heard it straight from the impersonator herself….I’ll be trying to look like Elvis and having fun every step of the way during the L.A. Marathon! I will be up at 3amish and getting all decked out…you can’t miss me!!…

Elvis will be entering the building of the Double Tree Hotel all spaced out!…Elvis came back in a Time Capsule from the 70’s!…I’ll be sporting sideburns,Digital Shades, and Bling Bedazzled!!…But I’m also back from the future with my Lazer Lenses to track me down via satelite!!…

Oh!…Elvis will be taking the 5:30am Shuttle…321…Blast Off!!!…But I heard we won’t be going vertical?!!…We will be taking the Party Train to Down Town to our destination at L.A. Dodgers Stadium…Our meet and greet will be on 3rd Base I was told?!!!

Elvis will not be wearing a plastic trash bag to stay warm…I’ll be Dancing and a Stretching and a Singing and just having a Blast!!!…

I’m all for the finishing marathon pictures, but a before picture would be nice to see as proof that I did Elvis justice…I just might finish looking like a mini Howard Coselle, Walter Matthau, or George Jetson!!…So I’m going for photo ops sooner than later!…

*Since doing all but one Rock’n’Roll Heavy Medal series in 2008

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, and getting to be part of a unique crowd of Elvi’s during the San Diego Rock’n’Roll Marathon, there is no going back to just doing a marathon…But only in a costume of some kind to jazz the time out on the course!!….

My two Adorable Clients are all for the fun, but their Priority… Staying Focused! …They are two of a kind…MentallyTough… Determined 1st time Marathoners anxious to go the distance from Stadium to Sea…2010 L.A..Marathon!…Clara is my same age and Carmelita is Ageless!!…Witnessing Carmelita go Endlessly ,this Energizer Bunny will Inspire you!!…Stay tuned for…*”Travels with Carmelita”*

Surprisingly, Coach Fran is used to Hamming it up in front of large crowds I must confess…I’ve been Warner Bros. Costume Characters in the past, and searched the other day for my Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame as Daffy Duck!…I was shocked that Miss Piggy was no where to be found either?!…Currently, I’m the Infamous Crowd Pleaser for Corporate Running Events…I’m so lucky to be given the opportunity to Move and Groove Newbies in the wee A.M. hours for FRAN’S~IMPROV~AWE… Aerobic Warm-Up Entertainment…a.k.a…FRAN’S Dance Party!!..

**Off ‘N Running Tours** is where I first got introduced to this craze!!…Cheryl Anker started her Running Tours company before it became In Vogue!….As a Race Director she invited me to do the Aerobic Warm-Up for the Western Hemisphere Marathon… as none other than Charlie Chaplin!…Since then, I’ve teamed up with her Corporate Events…Plus joining in on her *”Running from the Papparazzi Tour”*….

**Go to Links… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_pDqbIl6ug

** http://www.offnrunningtours.com….Enjoy the Shows!!!

**Coach Fran here… showing my “* Walking On Water*” Teaching Technique…Just to let you know an Instant Benefit to Finish races Faster!!!…Next Fran’s** Aerobic Warm-Up Entertainment**..”Dancing in the Streets”…in front of The Staple Center…L.A. Live!!…Best A.M. Dance Party in Downtown Los Angeles!!…Join the Party Tour!!…Ask for Details**

**What’s Coach Fran


, Carmelita’s and Clara’s next adventure?…..Greece is the Word!!!…Come join us in Experiencing where the Olympics first began!…

**Marathon Thrill Seekers Wanted!!!..We welcome Bodies Ready for Challenges!!… Coach Fran’s*Travel’n’Training* Program …Coming soon!!!

Take care

Coach FRAN~~~



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