*Mini* Racewalk *Workshops* with Coach FRAN~~~
**ATTENTION**{ All Previous and Past Participants of Fran’s Clinics…Practicing Proper Techniques Regularly Will Enhance Your Chances of Winning Your Race!…*”Words of Wisdom”* from Yours Truly and Sincerely…Because Fran Cares About Your Progess!!…I’d love to hear of your past and current successes…So Let’s Keep that Momentum and Motivation Rolling!!!!! }
Hello L.A. Leggers
Yes, it’s that time of the year to Get Your Bodies Tuned Up for the long mileage ahead…Our L.A. Marathon Yearly Goal is to Celebrate Good Times!!!…For those of you who are Newbies to the L.A. Leggers,Coach Fran here, I’m the Official Racewalking Coach for the L.A. Leggers and I’ve been Coaching Leggers for over a Decade now!!!…
My Expertise is in Racewalking and Personal Fitness Training….As a Competitive Racewalker
, I was honored to be a Competitior at the 1992 Olympic Trials in the first ever Women’s Olympic Racewalking Event in the 10k!…Then I made the last ever Women’s World Cup Racewalking Team in 1993!!…You see
, a year later…
Women’s World Cup Racewalking Event was now officially a 20k and currently the Olympic distance for Women Racewakers…It’s one of those Rare Opportunities to be a part of Making History!!!…
**Fran’s Memory Lane in the streets of Monterey Mexico cobblestone 1993 World Cup!!…and another memory of hot and humid New Orleans Olympic Trials as the Leader of the Pack!!…I’ve Got Stories to Tell…So I’ve decided to Start Writing Books About My Life Experiences and More!!…Well… I’ve stated Fran’s Plans!…So Fran is On A Mission!!..**…
With over 20 years of Experience in both the Aerobic Industry and as a Personal Fitness Trainer!!…I’ve got a Track Record of Keeping My Training and Clients Safe!… Currently I’m offering *Mini* Racewalk *Workshops*…Coach Fran’s Workshops are a continuation after My Clinics… entitled *”Head to Toe Fitness”*
*** Party Reservations for * Beginners * Intermeditates * Advanced ***
* “Party of Two”- is for 30 minutes *
* “Party of Three”- is for 1 hour *
* “Party of Four”-is for 90 minutes *
**Believe me
, the Time will Fly because You’re going to be having So Much Fun practicing what you’ve learned!!!…My Workshops are Coach Fran’s Cardio Wokouts and Dynamic Drills that will Make You Sweat!!…Plus Make You Feel Youthful Again!!!…** Highly Recommended say’s Coach FRAN~~~
**The cost for each participant is $25 Cash/Check payable to “Fran Bustos”…
** Payment collected Prior to Your Workshop…
**Notice the price is” half off ” the price of the clinic!!…
*** Your Reward for Learning at my *”Mini*Racewalk*Clinics”*!!!…
**Why stop when You Have a Good Thing Going!…Your Body will Love You for it!!…
**I’m taking Reservations for whenever Your Party is Available…It can be during the week Monday thru Friday…AM…NOON…PM…Sundays…Saturdays on Low Mileage Weekends…It’s Up To You to Get Your Party Started!!!…So Book Your Party Today!!**
** Now my *Mini* Racewalk* Workshops* Benefit EveryBody…Remember
, if you are a Newbie to my Workshops, then you are still a Beginner…So Gather Your Party Today!!…Just Learning a few Racewalking Tips to make Every Step of the way more Efficient is what will make your 2014 L.A. Marathon a breeze!!….from *Stadium to Sea*…I’ll Be There!!!**
*** Future Opportunities Awaits You!!*** {~**Come join Fran”n” Carmelita’s Fitness Challenge!!…Can You Do a 2 MINUTE PLANK just like CARMELITA!!!~**}…GOT CURIOSITY and or the GUTS to make the Cut?…STAY TUNED for the Upcoming Date…Details Soon!!!***
Here’s to Revving Up Your Engines!!!….Let’s Fine Tune Your Technique…So when You get to the Starting Line you’re Ready to Rock’n’Roll 26.2!!
Inquiring Minds that are Currently not a part of the L.A. Leggers Club
, what are you waiting for?!!…Join the Club!!!…So Let’s Get These Parties Started!!…
*You can Contact Me by my email address…*fran-at-franbustos.com*
Take care,
( Read On…*Details on *Track Club* *Video Coaching* with Your’s Truly!!!* )
Coach FRAN~~~
Posted: July 11th, 2013 under Clinics, Costume Character Aerobic Warm-Up Entertainment, Personal Fitness Training, Testimonials, Training, workshops.
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