***RaceWalk Coach ~Personal Fitness Trainer~Costume Character***

*Specialized*Premium*Fitness* Training with Coach Fran~~~

**Coming Soon!!…Sign Up Now!!!….Space is Limited!!!
Hello EveryBody,

**Coach FRAN here!…Ready to Get F.I.T. and Famous!!..Aren’t we all Super Stars!!…Let’s get your Body Rock’n’Rolling!!**

I look forward to Teaching you Specific Techniques that You Can use A.S.A.P. for Improved Health ‘n’ Fitness for 5k’s, 10k’s, Half Marathon’s, Marathons,Ultra~~~ Marathons, Triathlons, Ironmans, Relay Races and All those Unique Events!!!…**

**Getting Fit, and Faster are just a few of the BENEFITS!!!….Mostly how you will Benefit for the Rest of Your Life is by Learning the Basics of my “*Preventative Injury Exercises*”…Staying Stronger for Longer in Your Sport is Rewarding!!!…***
***Get State of the Art Technique Training***
***Coach Fran’s Ultimate Training Tool***
*****Instant Gratification*****
***Video Coaching***By Appointment Only!!***
***For All Levels***
*The Cost of **Video Coaching**…$100 for a 1 hour session…*Then

, Your’s Truly, Coach FRAN goes home and Reviews, Critiques, and makes a Videotaped Copy for You Oldies but Goodies…or from my Digital Video Camera, and make you a DVD Copy for Your Practice and Future Improvements!!!*
**Participants who Learn Best Visually, then **Video Coaching** shows You the Fastest Results!!… Instant Feedback with Coach Fran!!

**This is a 1 hour **Mini Personal Training Session**…
*First Coach Fran Videotapes your Current Technique for just 5 minutes…
*Next You get a 50 minute Personal Training Session…
*Then the Last 5 minutes You get to Witness Instant Improvements!!…
*It’s a Before and After Videotape Analysis that You get to See for Yourself!!…This is Coach Fran’s Ultimate **Technique Training Tool***…
**But wait


, there’s More!!…
*The Final Process… Coach Fran Reviews and Critiques your Before and After Technique…
*Emailed Review and Critique and by Mail…
*Plus Your Very Own Copy sent by Mail A.S.A.P!…for Your Viewing in the Privacy of your own Home.!!..
**Believe me

, …Seeing is Believing!!…Finally Figuring Out the Solution to Improving!!…It’s Really Oh So Therapeutic to Conquer Your Goals sooner than later… Just the few minutes of Videotaping viewed in Slow Motion and Real Time tells the Truth!…
**Recommended to Try Once…But I’m pretty sure You will Want to See More and More…Something about Before and After Results put a Smile on Our Faces!!!…say’s Coach FRAN~~~
*It’s also Fun to Fast-Forward and see Yourself at Turbo Top Speeds!!!…
**Now You have a Keepsake to Help You Improve!!…Think of the Learning Possibilities!!…
*Once you put Your Technique into Practice…You can Keep coming back for More!!..This is How Winners Excell!!!
*It’s so Rewarding to See Improvements from your First Videotaping to the Next!!…Elite Athletes get this Luxury!!…So Why Not You!!! **
***** Ongoing Opportunties to Conquer Your Goals***
~~ Sign Up for Fran’s ***S.P.F*** Training~~It’s what Your Body has been waiting for!!!
***Personal Fitness Training is the Fastest and Best Way to Absorb All that You Learn with Your’s Truly!!!…Imagine just You and Your Personal Fitness Trainer and the “* Wealth of Knowledge *’ you will Master Sooner because Your First Training Session is Tailored to Your Specific Needs!!…Let’s just say Our Bodies Are Worth It!!..***

*(My Specific Training Techniques surpasses typical training)*

*** Just Ask Carmelita my #1 Super Star Client…Whether We are On Location…She is a Bionic Great Grandmother Track Star!!…She is ageless going on age 16!!…*My Diva Racing Medal Winner* All the Time!!…

**Stay Tuned for “Travel’s with Carmelita” on Flicker…***

***Living Life to the Fullest!!!*~~ YouthFully Your’s~~Carmelita~n~Coach FRAN~~~

*******Amazing Awaits You!!!*******
** Details Coming Soon **
Contact Me at the email below…
*** fran-at-franbustos.com ***

See you soon!!

Thank you


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(Read On…Curious about Fran’s Past Marathon with Marvelous Clients?!!!)
Coach FRAN~~~


***Share Your Success Story!!!***

*** “I’d love to hear from EveryBody I’ve trained in my 20 something years in the Aerobic Industry!!…As well as being your Personal Fitness Trainer for oh so many years!!!…Specifically Racewalking Clientelle!!…
From Celebrity’s to Extraordinary Human Beings!!…We all are Stars just wanting to Shine!!.. Hats off to EveryBody I’ve trained to use my Specific Techniques for your 5k’s

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, Marathons, Ultra Marathons, Triathlons and all those Unique Events!!!…Also more currently, I want to hear from you if you have taken Racewalking Clinics, Workshops and Track Club Workouts with me.!!!…By the way, a Fabulous Testimony from You would be Greatly Appreciated!!!” ***CONTACT:…fran-at-franbustos.com***

Coach FRAN~~~
( Wecome Back!!..Got Fran’s~~ S*P*F*~ Training~~ Troopers Show’n’Tell!! )

*~It’s Your’s Truly Fran the RACEWALK’N’ROCK’N’ROLLER…Just
Dancing’n’Clicking my Heels while capturing Rock Star Carmelita DeHaven on her Bravo Finish!!!***

~***Yes You Too Can Be a part of Coach FRAN’s~~~ exclusive Travel’n’Training Team!!…*Contact…fran-at-franbustos.com*
As you can see I’m surrounded by WINNERS!!!..Many Stories to Tell of All My Wonderful Racewalking Clients and More!!…Details of Upcoming Events soon to be announced!!!***

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